We heard from Georgie on how regular and consistent yoga has helped her find the happiest, healthiest and strongest version of herself.

A little bit about Georgie

As a mother of two young children, a designer and avid soccer player, Georgie makes going to yoga a priority wherever she can. Being pregnant with her first child was the catalyst for Georgie trying yoga for the first time. Georgie signed up for a pregnancy yoga course in Mosman to help her body and mind best prepare for a natural childbirth. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Georgie had a caesarean, which was a very challenging experience both physically and psychologically.


Yoga and weight loss

Yoga has been a great way of ironing out my body’s creaks from becoming more sedentary. I hadn’t realised that I could regain a better body shape by doing yoga more regularly. I had put on a few kilos, looking after family and becoming more deskbound with my publishing career, but I started attending classes at Lunge yoga that a friend recommended. My initial participation was attending one class a week, but after some time, I had a goal to get fitter and help improve my health. I especially wanted to help work on niggling back pain.
