The beginning of spring is one of the most popular and beneficial times of year to power through an intensive yoga week. Spring is a time for new beginnings; a time to get up and do; to once again rise early with the sun.
Karina shares her story on how regular and intensive yoga programs at Lunge have transformed her body and lifestyle
A little bit about Karina
With the amount of yoga and other exercise that Karina practises each week, you’d never guess she worked as a busy young media executive. From a young(er) age Karina has always been curious and eager to try new exercise challenges and healthy eating plans. Over the last two years, Karina has discovered her love for yoga and has really found her rhythm at Lunge Yoga and Health with Louisa:
Winter Mini-Boost Seasonal Yoga Intensive – it’s a wrap
To help power through the last month of this icy-cold Sydney winter, Lunge ran a mini-boost seasonal yoga intensive last week. The intensive workshop included six dynamic yoga classes, daily meditation and homemade breakfast miso plus an Iku Wholefoods supper following the final Friday evening class.
Looking back on the Winter Boost Yoga Intensive
The beginning of winter this year marked the first day of the Winter Boost intensive workshop with Lunge Yoga and Health. The intensive ran over the first five days of winter and included seven strong, targeted yoga classes, daily meditation and breakfast miso plus two wholefood dinners following the evening classes.