Summer Seasonal Intensive – Online – 2024

Find strength, openness and relaxation through ACTIVE movement, breath and simplicity – connection. 

This is the Japanese Yoga way. Join us for our last Seasonal Intensive for the year!

SUMMER IS THE SEASON OF JOY & LAUGHTER… life is in full bloom

Dates: December 5 to December 8, 2024

In Summer we look for more:

  • Lightness, openness, flexibility
  • Clarity and focus
  • Brightness and creativity
  • Internal awareness; internal strength – a sense of calm
  • Joy and a sense of contentment

The Program:

7 sessions over the 4 days!

5th Dec
6th Dec
7th Dec
8th Dec
6:30am (AWST)
9:30am (AEDT)
6:30am (AWST)
9:30am (AEDT)
6:30am (AWST)
9:30am (AEDT)
 Middle of day activity
Min 30mins walk
Middle of day activity
Min 30mins walk
Middle of day activity
Min 30mins walk
4:30pm (AWST)
7:30pm (AEDT)
4:30pm (AWST)
7:30pm (AEDT)
3:30pm (AWST)
6:30pm (AEDT)
3:30pm (AWST)
6:30pm (AEDT)


Starts Thursday 5th December, 2024


$245 (payments by transfer)

Lunge Yoga & Health Pty Ltd
BSB: 082 343
ACC: 859 459 703
(Please place your name for our reference)


  • Seasonal notes, ideas for good health through the Summer Season
  • Nutritional support and guidance over the 3-4 days
  • Seasonal understanding of Summer (Fire element)
  • Follow up! – Summer Yoga Program to take you through the holiday period!

Contact us if you would like further information or would like to book in.
Contact Lunge: 0412 389 603 or

A little bit more on the Summer Season (fire element: Heart & Small Intestine)

A period of luxurious growth and a time of generous social activity and connection where the days are long and energy is in abundance. Summer is a more stable time than spring. If we have not nurtured our bodies through winter and cleansed them in spring, summer can be a very hard Season to endure. Often the inability to cope with the heat is a sign of high levels of toxicity in the body. However, we can bring back to balance high levels of toxicity by taking on cooling exercises such as swimming, appropriate yoga and/or movement… all activities that help our lymph glands remove accumulated toxins, and as an added bonus eliminate stress.

According to Oriental Medicine, the heat of summer causes energy to expand and rise in the body and this activates the various systems more than usual…these functions relate to the energy systems of the heart and the small intestine (also heart constrictor and triple heater systems). A great time of the year to soften upper body tension and open up your heart. Through appropriate movement and complementary food, the heart has the ability to relax, release old stresses and unwanted emotional build-ups.

The stress of city living places harder demands on your heart than it was designed for.

The benefits of Summer Japanese Yoga


  • Improved ability to digest
  • Improvement to intestinal power usually equates to clearer thinking
  • Increased strength and power of the muscle
  • Release of neck and shoulder tension
  • Feel energised and re-vitalized… get the spring back in your step!


  • Reduce exaggerated emotions
  • Less obsessive
  • Reduce feelings of madness or feeling a bit crazy


  • Improved Creativity
  • Act on ideas… not just think about doing
  • Become a “do-er”, not just a “gun-nar”…