Yoga at Work Testimonials


“When I was in my late 40s I was introduced to Louisa at Lunge Yoga by a friend and I can honestly say it was a real game changer for me. As a business owner in the building industry the benefits of yoga became apparent almost immediately. Not only did my fitness improve but some of the other benefits were even greater. My overall health improved, even though I thought I was in good health.

I learnt how to work quite strenuously yet remain calm. Identify rising stress levels and nullify them. I noticed less illness over the years and quicker recovery times when surfing – bonus! It’s great to notice now how I now don’t sweat things that don’t matter.

Overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally resulting in a rewarding home and work life!”

Mark, 55
Business Owner/ Construction Industry
Mark Taylor Engineering Pty Ltd


“I found yoga through Louisa at Lunge Yoga in Manly over eight years ago. She was recommended by my chiropractor as I suffered from mild back pain. I sit at a computer most of my working day. I hold stress in my neck and shoulders as a lot of people do.  The style of yoga Louisa teaches really suited me. It strengthened my core and my chiropractor visits became rare occasions. When I have a deadline looming for submissions and I feel the tension building I adopt strategies Louisa has taught me. I introduced my daughter to Lunge. Polly was at first sceptical as a former competitive swimmer just starting out as a graduate engineer. She immediately realised the mental and physical benefits of yoga. Louisa teaches to all levels in a non judgemental caring way.  I wish she could be cloned as she is missed in Manly.“

Catherine, 55
Government Lawyer


“There’s no doubt that long hours at a desk and spending time in peak hour traffic each day can take its toll on your body and health in general – both physically and mentally. Louisa’s yoga was perfect for releasing all this built up tension that is associated with a seditionary and stressful job. What’s not to love? I gained increased flexibility, improved posture, and more clarity when it comes to decision making and an overall feeling of calm and well-being! I highly recommend regular Lunge Yoga sessions to one and all…just wait for the positive change in your workplace and life, it will arrive!”

Anita, 43
Accounts/Business Owner


“I feel lunge yoga with Louisa had been a great benefit to me. My classes allowed me to just stop for an hour and gave me a time to reboot and refocus. But also just move, feel parts of my body that maybe needed some relief and work on that. The classes helped me to think about breathing which brought calm but also with movement made me feel stronger which had a positive flow on effect on my day to day life and work.

When I think of Lunge I think of the beach, a smile as you walk in, the people and fun. It was never a chore to go to class.

I highly recommend taking time out to do something positive.”

Luisa, 47
Business Owner
PERUMAL MURPHY ALESSI, Heritage Consultants


“As a very active sports person in my younger years, I now found myself 50 plus with a severe back problem and a rapidly growing private business. The challenge was to maintain good health and provide inspiration, leadership and guidance for my growing business.

I was introduced to Lunge Yoga by a plumber friend, whom had been doing Lunge Yoga in order to maintain his physically demanding work. He too was not young, but he assured me that yoga assisted him both physically and mentally.

In 2005, as a 52 year old, I commenced yoga classes with Louisa, and within a couple of months I was addicted, my back problem was non-existent and my mental focus was better than ever.

Lunge Yoga not only provided body strength through exercise, it also promoted and encouraged healthy eating, and this is a lifestyle change that is essential for longevity.

As a business owner that worked long hours, I was able to maintain a fitness level that kept me focused and better performance as a business leader. Younger staff definitely look up to and respect a business owner that leads by example, and as a fit and healthy person, I certainly got the respect.

The balance of family and business is never easy, but after adapting a disciplined routine, by attending yoga early morning, going to the office all day, and then coming home, and still having enough energy to interact with my family, is a huge bonus.

The other major result from the yoga is ‘stress release’, an hour of yoga relaxes my body and clears my mind, hence you are able to mentally adjust the problems at hand and categorise the most important, and then act according.

In summary, after eleven years of continual Lunge Yoga, I am a much better person, physically and mentally, and I truthfully don’t know what other exercise I could have done, at my age, to reach this level of physical and mental alertness.”

Frank Minnici, 61
Business Owner
Advantage Line Pty Ltd


“Louisa Kolega has been my yoga instructor for over 4 ½ years and I cannot recommend her highly enough. I’m a 66 year young man, ex-rugby player and former builder with two artificial knees and the usual aches and pains that accompany these professions and sporting activities.

Since commencing Lunge Yoga, there has been a dramatic change to my life:

  • I am more relaxed, rational and balanced in my approach to my business and personal life
  • I feel more energetic due to losing 5kgs
  • I find it easier to deal with stressful; situations and long hours as a business owner
  • My golf handicap is now 6 and I am now playing more consistently than ever!

Thank-you Louisa for your determination, encouragement and enlightenment – I have enjoyed your teaching and wish you every success for your future.”

Tony White
LJ Hooker Balgowlah


“I’ve enjoyed many of the benefits of yoga since first ‘trying it out’ over 13 years ago. In my early 30s at the time and still focussed on cardio training, I was sceptical! Looking back, I can’t believe how naïve I was with respect to needing to nurture and manage the health of my mind.

It was a logistical effort to navigate public transport to the city and back to get to Louisa’s yoga sessions. But, so many things about these sessions made the effort worthwhile. I also love that Louisa’s classes and style incorporate seasonal changes, so that the classes never felt static or boring.

Over the years I have found that the essence of yoga – for me – is breathing and acceptance. Attempting to control my breathing – and my thoughts – in challenging situations is an ongoing piece of work that my yoga practice contributes to.

I have always found yoga to be just as important for my mental headspace as for the physical activity. Whatever is going on around me – whether work stresses, family issues, or the general pressures of ‘modern life’ in the city, dedicating myself to regular yoga sessions have become a crucial component of my ongoing well-being, for my body mind and spirit.

Sometimes it can take a little concentration to push out thoughts of ‘hungry’, ‘deadlines’, ‘what else do I have to do in the next 3 hours…’, or ‘the dude next to me is sooooo flexible’, before you get comfortable with actually dedicating the time to your own health and well-being.”

Michelle, 45
Manager/Accreditation and Assessment
Architects Accreditation Council of Australia


“Meeting Louisa Kolega 10 years ago really changed my life. Through yoga, I have become a more complete person. It improved my flexibility, removed aches and pains from old sporting injuries, gave me a renewed clarity and vitality and importantly, enabled me to manage stress more effectively at work. Nowadays I wouldn’t be the same happy, productive person if I hadn’t been to yoga!

Louisa also ran a session for one of our staff conferences and it was a big success. Apart from introducing many people to yoga, it was an ice breaker and laid an anxiety free platform for the team sessions.

Louisa is gifted at imparting her deep understanding of yoga, it changed so many lives here in Sydney and we remain indebted to her. I wholeheartedly endorse Louisa to you”

Paul Hines
CEO, GSA Insurance Brokers


“I have run my own business for 10 years and from very early on in its growth I started taking Louisa´s classes at Lunge Yoga.

I can honestly say that I would not have been able to do what I did at that time, building a business, wearing all the hats, learning how to manage staff and take risks such as lease space in the city and so on, without the calm and peace of mind that Lunge Yoga practice afforded me.

Whenever I felt myself becoming stressed or finding things were just getting too much and the pressure was weighing down on me, I would go to a yoga class and my whole mindset would change within that one hour.  I felt stronger not only in my body but also in my mind and spirit and it became a very necessary routine for me.  No doubt Lunge Yoga helped me maintain good health which is of vital importance to a business owner where you do not tend to have the luxury of taking a sick day.  By practising regularly and consistently I found that this gave me a positive mindset, a calmer, more peaceful mind and ability to not let stress get to me and thereby be debilitating and draining to my health.  After a tiring day at work I would practise Lunge yoga and realise that what was tiring me was the stress, and the yoga would give me renewed energy. 

Regular practice of Lunge yoga also gives you stamina and the ability to persevere no matter what.  Some of the positions are strong and really encourage you to focus and concentrate and not allow thoughts to distract you so much and this was really helpful to addressing stress and the long hours that I put into running my business. 

Lunge Yoga is a very special practice.  A special blend of the Japanese style of yoga on which follows the seasons and takes into account the organs in the body and how we can best assist them to function optimally. 

Louisa herself is a unique teacher, I don´t even know if she herself is aware of how many lives she has changed with Lunge Yoga, as she is filled with humility and very down to earth, with a great sense of humour too!   With Louisa you really feel like what you see is what you get; simple, and yet with incredible depth all at the same time.  Amazing!  Definitely a practice I would recommend for anyone in the workplace as an essential part of your daily life and routine.”

Melanie Macfarlane, 47
CEO & Principal Migration Consultant